
March 3, 2022/ 0 views

How to Optimise the Range of Your Electric Car

Summary There are a number of ways you can maximise the range of your electric vehicle, both when you’re driving and when you’re not. We’ve compiled them into a handy list so you can get more miles from a single charge. How to drive an electric car efficiently Other tips for maximising your range Tips for maximising your range while driving 1.  Gently aw …

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31Aug, 18/ 0 views

How Green are Electric Vehicles?

Summary The cost to charge an electric car in the UK varies between home, work and public charging. For a typical electric car with a 60kWh battery and ~200 mile range: Charging at home: Costs about £15.10 for a full charge. * Charging at work: Many employer …

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05Jun, 18/ 0 views

How to Plan a Long Journey With an EV

Summary Before you set off on a long-distance journey in an electric vehicle, it’s important to do a small amount of preparation. In this guide you’ll find some key recommendations that will allow you to charge effectively en route. Check how far your EV can travel and the type of chargers it’s compatible with. Plan your journey to i …

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01May, 18/ 0 views

What are the Benefits of Electric Cars

Summary The cost to charge an electric car in the UK varies between home, work and public charging. For a typical electric car with a 60kWh battery and ~200 mile range: Charging at home: Costs about £15.10 for a full charge. * Charging at work: Many employer …

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April 1, 2018/ 0 views

Guide to Ultra Low Emission Zones (ULEZ)

Summary Ultra Low Emission Zones (ULEZ) are a concept to tackle urban air quality challenges in the United Kingdom. Originally covering the same area as the London Congestion Charge zone, ULEZ expanded on 25 October 2021 to include the area up to (but not including) the North Circular and South Circular roads. Financial charges are used to disincentiv …

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